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Results: Viewing items 201-250 of 624.
  • sam
    • Auction notice:IMPORTANT INFROMATION 1. VAT is payable on all lots 2. No animals will be loaded before funds are cleared in bank.  Please do immediate release on payments. 3. Standing Fees applicable after 12 hours ALL FOREIGN BUYERS. 1. 15% VAT is payable. 2. Prior to auction please confirm with CdP who will be loading the animals and when and where they will be quarantined. 3. Standing Fees of R50 per animal per day are applicable after 12:00 on the day after the auction. 4. In order to be approved for the auction a deposit equal to the amount intended to be spent needs to be paid into CdP Auctioneering Services account. This amount needs to reflect prior to the start of the auction. This amount is refundable should you not be succesful at the auction.
  • sam
    • Auction notice:IMPORTANT INFROMATION 1. VAT is payable on all lots 2. No animals will be loaded before funds are cleared in bank.  Please do immediate release on payments. 3. Standing Fees applicable after 12 hours ALL FOREIGN BUYERS. 1. 15% VAT is payable. 2. Prior to auction please confirm with CdP who will be loading the animals and when and where they will be quarantined. 3. Standing Fees of R50 per animal per day are applicable after 12:00 on the day after the auction. 4. In order to be approved for the auction a deposit equal to the amount intended to be spent needs to be paid into CdP Auctioneering Services account. This amount needs to reflect prior to the start of the auction. This amount is refundable should you not be succesful at the auction.
  • sam
    • Auction notice:IMPORTANT INFROMATION 1. VAT is payable on all lots 2. No animals will be loaded before funds are cleared in bank.  Please do immediate release on payments. 3. Standing Fees applicable after 12 hours ALL FOREIGN BUYERS. 1. 15% VAT is payable. 2. Prior to auction please confirm with CdP who will be loading the animals and when and where they will be quarantined. 3. Standing Fees of R50 per animal per day are applicable after 12:00 on the day after the auction. 4. In order to be approved for the auction a deposit equal to the amount intended to be spent needs to be paid into CdP Auctioneering Services account. This amount needs to reflect prior to the start of the auction. This amount is refundable should you not be succesful at the auction.
  • sam
    • Auction notice:IMPORTANT INFROMATION 1. VAT is payable on all lots 2. No animals will be loaded before funds are cleared in bank.  Please do immediate release on payments. 3. Standing Fees applicable after 24 hours FOREIGNERS 1. VAT is payable - VAT must be claimed back by buyer. 2. Please arrange beforehand with CDP who will be collecting animals and were they will be quarantined. 3. Standing Fees applicalble after 24 hours 4. Deposit Payable on Auctioneers request
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